Thursday 26 February 2015

assessed activity 1.2

VAKOG stands for Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory and Gustatory (human sensory systems)

(NLP) stands for natural language processing.

1)  according to James.F.Allen NLP and VAKOG are closely related because NLP uses VAKOG to "attempt to understand, or produce one or more human languages, such as English, Japanese, Italian, or Russian. The input might be text, spoken language, or keyboard input. The task might be to translate to another language, to comprehend and represent the content of text, to build a database or generate summaries, or to maintain a dialogue with a user as part of an interface for database/information retrieval. Similar techniques can be used for spoken language by adding a system for speech recognition."
Encyclopedia of Computer Science
Pages 1218-1222 

2)according to Ralph Grishman: Natural language processing has two primary roles to play in the storage and retrieval of large bodies of information: providing a friendly, easily-learned interface to information retrieval systems, and automatically structuring texts so that their information can be more easily processed and retrieved. This article outlines the organization of a natural language interface for data retrieval (a “question—answering system”) and some of the approaches being taken to text structuring. It closes by describing a few of the research issues in computational linguistics and a possibility for using interactive natural language processing for information acquisition.

Journal of the American Society for Information Science

Volume 35Issue 5pages 291–296September 1984

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